- Evergreen Shrubs
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- Kallay Juniper
Kallay Juniper
The Basics
This dense, flat-topped evergreen shrub is a form of pfitzer with deep green foliage. Its upright branches are clothed with sharply pointed, bright green needles amid blue, pea-sized fruits. This versatile shrub spreads 2-3 feet tall (4-6 feet wide). Ideally used as a hedge, ground-cover, screen, and windbreak.
The Needs
Amount of Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
Amount of Water: Water regularly; more frequent watering in extreme heat; Drought tolerant
Soil Conditions: Adaptable to most soils; Prefers dry, well-drained soil; Not tolerant of overly wet soil
Cold Hardiness Zone: 4-9
The Care
This low-maintenance evergreen needs a regular water schedule to ensure the growth of a mature root system. After the mature root system is established, watering is needed occasionally, except during a drought, watering is needed regularly. In the fall, shear to maintain desired shape.