- Evergreen Shrubs
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- Gold Star Juniper
Gold Star Juniper
The Basics
This evergreen shrub is known for its dazzling gold foliage that is brightest in summer with bright green foliage underneath. Its spreading growth reaches 2-3 feet tall (6 feet wide). Best performs as accent, medium-sized shrub, mass planting, and foundation planting. Adapts well to banks and slopes.
The Needs
Amount of Sunlight: Prefers full sun; shade tolerant
Amount of Water: Water regularly; more frequent watering in extreme heat; Drought tolerant
Soil Conditions: Adaptable to most soils; Prefers dry, well-drained soil; Not tolerant of overly wet soil
Cold Hardiness Zone: 4-9
The Care
This easy-to-grow evergreen needs a regular water schedule to ensure the growth of a mature root system. After the mature root system is established, watering is needed occasionally, except during a drought, watering is needed regularly. Once mature, shearing is recommended annually to maintain desired shape.