- Groundcover
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- Jasmine Summer Sunset
Jasmine Summer Sunset
$24.25 - $29.98
per item
The Basics
’Summer Sunset’ adds vibrant color to its list of worthy characteristics. The leaves are marbled in endless hues of oranges, reds, greens and whites. Much like fingerprints, no two leaves are alike, and although each one promises a new combination worthy of admiration on its own, it is the mass of leaves together which truly inspire the visual senses!
The Needs
Amount of Sunlight: Full sun / Partial shade
Amount of Water: water regularly; do not over water
Soil Conditions: Drought tolerant once established. Cold Hardiness Zone: 7-9
The Care
It can trail up to 3 feet but can be pruned to control size. Needs frequent pruning for thickness.